Keen to be green

It is officially cool to be green (yay!)

Particularly in the fashion industry the likes of Eco Warrior Princess, Fashion Revolution, Eco Alf (to name a few) have gathered so many admirers that their efforts to make the industry more eco-friendly and supportive of human rights have become a mainstream ideal that lots of people now adhere to. This means it’s now O.K. to wear the same outfit more than once, because you’re doing it to “save the planet” and consume less fast fashion – buying less has become conscientious and chic.

I am a follower of sustainable fashion bloggers and influencers alike, all posting envy inducing pictures of their stylish minimalist lifestyles, suggesting great ways of leading a greener life and being kinder to our planet. I am not ashamed to say I have completely bought into it all and I really admire these individuals for leading the way in living more sustainably, consuming less and producing less waste.

This blog isn’t going to be anything revolutionary, I don’t claim to have better ideas or products than what is already out there (not yet anyway…), but I do think I can do some good by highlighting the best sources out there for people who want to be more eco-friendly but need a bit of inspiration.

Without further a-do, here are some of my favourite sources to help you to liv sustainable :

Eco Warrior Princess (mentioned above)

@ecowarriorprincess on Instagram

Mood of Living

@moodofliving on Instagram


@lush on Instagram




Fashion Revolution




10 Genius Tips for Reducing Your Plastic Footprint


Thanks for reading! Comment with your faves too if you like